5 Quick Skincare Tips for Men
As a man, you don’t have much time to spend on your skin, but that doesn’t mean you don’t care about the condition of your face. Clean, clear skin can be an huge boost to confidence, and is known to give you the spring in your step while going through your daily routine.
Here are a few quick steps for men: easy, simple tricks that give your skin that something more. They're easy to work into your daily schedule without taking much time of your day.
Use Tea Tree Oil for Acne
You’ve tried acne treatments and breakout creams, and sometimes they’re helpful. But did you know there’ s a natural way to get at the same result? Tea tree oil is nature’s own acne treatment. With antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and anti-fungal properties, this oil can significantly reduce the number of nasty bumps you get on your face. It might work slower than chemical formulas, but it will also deliver fewer side effects.
Drink Pleeenty of Water
While alcohol can do a number on your skin and leave you looking way older than you could possibly be, water is your skins best friend. Work in at least 8 fluid ounces a day, and more is better. This water will flush toxins out of your system, clearing your skin.
Get Your Sleep
When you’re asleep is when your skin gets to focus on repair, and there’s a lot of repair to be done at the end of the day. Sure, you can get by on five hours of sleep, but you’ll be functioning subpar and your face will show it. Unless damaged and wrinkled skin is a secret goal of yours, get your rest and let your skin do its nighttime thing.
Shave in the Shower (or Right After!)
Instead of trying to shave when your beard (or stubble) is stiff and dry, soften it up in the shower first. You’ll be surprised at how much easier and smoother your shave becomes. You can even do it right in the shower. There's no reason you can’t have a face mirror hanging right there with you (or just as soon as you get out.)
Use One of Our Ultrasonic Cleansers
It goes without saying, a shameless self-plug doesn't hurt sometimes. If you're wanting smooth, clear, clean skin, our Porfexon© Ultrasonic Facial Cleaner helps grant all of those wishes in just 10 minutes. It uses a combination of high-frequency, ultrasonic oscillation technology and electrical muscle stimulation (EMS) to penetrate skin by 3-5mm. It features three modes—each specialized for any need: Cleansing, Moisturizing, and Lifting.
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